20 Prompts for spiritual journaling

Here are 20 prompts for spiritual journaling to assist you in embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

The list is broken down into 4 groups: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta. At the very end you will find a bonus 5th group called Epsilon.

Epsilon is for going deep...

Allow these prompts to guide you on a sacred exploration of your soul, deepening your spiritual connection and unlocking the wisdom within...

Spiritual Journaling

spiritual journaling Prompts - alpha

  • Reflect on a moment when you felt deeply connected to something greater than yourself. Describe the emotions and sensations you experienced.
  • Explore a profound spiritual lesson you have learned from a challenging situation. How did it shape your beliefs and perspective on life?
  • Describe a spiritual mentor or role model who has had a significant impact on your spiritual journey. What qualities do they possess that inspire you?
  • Write about a spiritual practice or ritual that brings you inner peace and tranquility. How does it nourish your soul and deepen your connection with the divine?
  • Reflect on your beliefs about the purpose and meaning of life. What gives your existence a sense of significance and fulfilment?

spiritual journaling PROMPTS - beta

  • Write a gratitude letter to the universe, expressing appreciation for the blessings and experiences that have enriched your spiritual growth.
  • Explore the power of forgiveness. Write about a time when you experienced forgiveness or offered forgiveness to others. How did it transform your spiritual well-being?
  • Reflect on the interconnectedness of all beings and the natural world. How does this awareness influence your actions and choices in fostering harmony and unity?
  • Describe a sacred space in nature that holds deep spiritual significance for you. What draws you to this place, and how does it ignite your spiritual connection?

spiritual journaling PROMPTS - gamma

  • Write about a spiritual challenge or question you are currently exploring. How does it push you to grow and expand your spiritual understanding?
  • Reflect on a time when you experienced profound inner peace or alignment with your true self. What practices or moments contributed to this spiritual harmony?
  • Explore the concept of self-love and compassion. How can you deepen your love and acceptance for yourself, nurturing your spiritual well-being?
  • Write about a dream or intuitive experience that felt spiritually significant. What symbols or messages did you perceive, and how did they impact your spiritual journey?
  • Reflect on a connection with a soulmate or kindred spirit. How does this relationship support and inspire your spiritual growth?

Journaling for The Spirit

spiritual journaling PROMPTS - Delta

  • Explore the power of meditation or mindfulness in deepening your spiritual awareness and connection. Describe the impact of these practices on your daily life.
  • Write about a time when you experienced a profound sense of awe and wonder. How did it open your heart and mind to the mysteries of the universe?
  • Reflect on a life event that challenged your faith or belief system. How did you navigate through this crisis of faith and emerge stronger on your spiritual path?
  • Explore the concept of surrender and trust in the divine plan. How can you cultivate surrender in your life, releasing control and embracing the flow of life?
  • Write a letter to your future self, envisioning the spiritual growth and transformation you aspire to. What steps can you take to manifest this vision?


  • Reflect on a moment when you felt a profound sense of detachment from your physical body. Describe the sensations, emotions, and thoughts you experienced during this out-of-body experience. How did it impact your understanding of consciousness and the nature of existence?
  • Recall a specific instance of déjà vu that you have experienced. Describe the scene, emotions, and thoughts that accompanied this sensation. Reflect on the significance of this experience and what it may indicate about the nature of time and consciousness.
  • Write about a premonition or intuitive feeling you have had that later turned out to be accurate. Describe the details of the premonition, the events that unfolded, and how it made you feel. Reflect on the power of intuition and its role in your life.
  • Sit still and silent in front of a window for 10 minutes and just absorb the scene before you. Then sit down with your journal and write anything and everything that comes into your mind. (This is called Stream of Consciousness Writing).

20 Prompts for spiritual journaling - afterword

So, as we come to the end of this collection of 20 prompts for spiritual journaling, I hope you feel ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

I've used these prompts myself.They are like doors that open up opportunities to explore your inner self and connect with something greater than you.

When you write down your thoughts and reflect on them, you learn important things about yourself. You find peace within. Just so you know, there are no right or wrong answers. It's all about what feels true to you.

So, make sure to enjoy this special practice of journaling. Let it help you find purpose, meaning, and happiness in your life.

May your spiritual journey be full of amazing discoveries and bring you a deep sense of fulfilment.

For further Emotional and Physical Benefits of Expressive Writing