About Charlene

About Charlene

About Charlene

Hey there,

My name is Charlene, and I’m a 58-year-old school teacher with over 20 years of experience in teaching math and English. Originally from the UK, I’ve been living in the beautiful city of Copenhagen, Denmark, since 1990. This site is a reflection of my journey, my passions, and my commitment to helping others find happiness and fulfillment in life.

My Journey

As a Gen X woman, I’ve navigated the many twists and turns of life, balancing a demanding career with personal aspirations and the desire for a simpler, more purposeful life. My daily 64-kilometer commute to work has given me plenty of time to reflect on what truly matters. Despite the exhaustion that comes with such a routine, I’ve found solace in the small moments of joy and the resilience that defines my generation....

My Interests

I have a deep interest in astrology, personality typing, and personal development. I am an INTJ and a 5w4 on the Enneagram, a quintessential Aquarius woman with my sun in Aquarius, moon in Capricorn, and Sagittarius ascending. My hobbies include learning Spanish, exploring ancient wisdom, and practicing slow living. I’m also passionate about drawing, watercolour, and urban sketching, finding peace and expression through these creative outlets...

My Vision

ImproveLifeHub.com is born out of my desire to create a thriving online community where people can find advice and inspiration to lead happier, more fulfilling lives. I believe in the power of slow living and the importance of understanding oneself through tools like astrology and personality typing. My goal is to share insights and practical advice that can help you navigate the complexities of life, just as I’ve learned to do.

Why This Site?

I’ve experienced firsthand the struggles of burnout and the yearning for a quieter, more meaningful life. As someone who dreams of spreading my entrepreneurial wings and building a successful online business, I understand the fears and challenges that come with such a transition, especially at 58. This site is a space where I share my journey, hoping to foster a sense of community, support, and empowerment for others facing similar paths.

Thank you for visiting ImproveLifeHub.com. I hope you find the content here helpful and inspiring. Let’s embark on this journey together, embracing life’s challenges and triumphs with resilience and purpose.

Warm regards,


My site is not very big right now. It's a work in progress. I think here is a good place to start: 6 Key Areas of Self-Improvement You Should Work on

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