How Gen X Women are Redefining Midlife


Hi there, fellow Gen X women!

As a 58-year-old schoolteacher, I am a proud member of Gen X women. And with a long daily commute, I know firsthand the struggle of balancing work, personal dreams, and the desire for a more purposeful life...

As we hit our 50s, we’re at a new and exciting part of our lives. We’ve been told we could "have it all," and now it’s time to figure out what that really means for each of us. We’ve been through a lot of changes and have come out stronger and more ready to take on this next chapter. Let’s talk about what we want now, how we’re different from past generations, and how we’ve handled the idea of "having it all."

What We, Gen X Women Want, in Our 50s

At this stage, we’re looking for purpose and fulfilment. We want to live by our core values, celebrate our achievements, and keep learning. Strong relationships and giving back to our communities matter a lot to us. We want to do things we love while also taking care of our health and well-being through mindfulness and self-care. We’re aiming to define success in our own way and embrace new chances with confidence and resilience...

How We Compare to Past Generations

What we want in our 50s is quite different from what past generations wanted. While our mums and grandmums often focused on family and traditional roles, we look for a broader sense of purpose and personal fulfilment. We like to keep learning, switch careers, and follow our passions. They often prioritised stability and family support, sometimes putting their own dreams aside...

We’ve grown up with the idea that we can "have it all," balancing personal achievement and family life, and valuing self-growth and meaningful contributions to society. We embrace change and new ideas more easily, reflecting the dynamic world we’ve navigated. While past generations often stuck to traditional roles, we aim to redefine success and fulfilment on our own terms, focusing on personal growth, independence, and overall well-being.

That Gen X Girl

Our Strength

Our strength lies in being resilient, adaptable, and determined. We grew up during big social and economic changes, which made us good at handling challenges and grabbing opportunities. We’re resourceful and self-reliant, often balancing many roles and responsibilities. We’ve broken traditional gender roles, building successful careers while managing family and personal commitments. Our strength shows in our ability to redefine what it means to "have it all," putting personal fulfilment alongside professional achievements. We love to learn and grow, always looking to expand our horizons and adapt to the changing world. This curiosity and willingness to embrace change are key to our strength. We care about our communities and like to give back, engaging in meaningful work and volunteer activities that enrich our lives and those around us. Our strength is multifaceted, with resilience, adaptability, determination, and a strong commitment to personal and community growth.

The Message of 'Having It All'

We were told we could "have it all" through many influences during our younger years. This message came from:

  1. Media and Pop Culture: TV shows, movies, and magazines in the 1980s and 1990s often showed strong, independent women balancing careers, family, and personal interests. These role models showed us it was possible to succeed in many areas of life.
  2. Educational Institutions: Schools and universities encouraged us to pursue higher education and professional careers, promoting the idea that we could achieve anything we set our minds to without sacrificing family life.
  3. Feminist Movement: The feminist movement of the 1970s and 1980s pushed for gender equality, empowering us to aim for the same career opportunities and freedoms as men. Leaders in the movement emphasised that women shouldn’t have to choose between a career and a family.
  4. Workplace Policies and Practices: As more women entered the workforce, companies began to support work-life balance with policies like maternity leave and flexible hours. These changes suggested we could manage both career and family responsibilities.
  5. Parental Influence: Many of our parents, having seen the limits of traditional gender roles, encouraged us to pursue our dreams, assuring us we could achieve both professional success and a fulfilling personal life.

How We Responded

We’ve responded to the message that we can "have it all" with ambition, determination, and sometimes exhaustion. Here’s how we’ve handled this expectation:

  1. Pursuing Careers and Education: We’ve advanced our education and careers, often achieving high levels of professional success. We’ve excelled in fields traditionally dominated by men, proving our capabilities and breaking barriers.
  2. Balancing Family and Work: Many of us have balanced demanding careers with family responsibilities, embracing roles as working mothers. This juggling act, while fulfilling, has also led to feelings of burnout and stress.
  3. Adopting Flexible Work Arrangements: To manage work and family demands, we’ve pioneered flexible work arrangements, championing remote work, part-time positions, and job-sharing for a healthier work-life balance.
  4. Reassessing Priorities: As we reached midlife, many of us reassessed our priorities, shifting focus towards more fulfilling personal or entrepreneurial pursuits that align with our passions and values.
  5. Advocating for Change: Recognising the challenges of "having it all," we’ve become advocates for workplace policies that support better work-life integration, pushing for parental leave, childcare support, and flexible working conditions.
  6. Experiencing Midlife Crises: Despite our achievements, many of us experience midlife crises, feeling exhausted and seeking greater purpose. This introspection often leads to significant life changes like career shifts or renewed focus on health and wellness.
  7. Creating Support Networks: We’ve built and relied on support networks, both professionally and personally, providing essential support, advice, and camaraderie to navigate the complexities of modern life.
Resilient Gen X Women

Exploring the Journey of Gen X Women: Understanding Our Unique Story

As we, the Gen X women, dive into our collective story, it's essential to look at resources that give us a true and detailed understanding of our unique journey. Here are some valuable references that capture the essence of our generation, showing the socio-economic background that has shaped who we are today:

Britannica - Generation X | Origin, Years, Characteristics, & Facts

This resource gives a thorough look at our generation, identifying the years that define us and detailing the key traits we have. It highlights our independence and creativity, developed as we navigated the challenges of our formative years.

Britannica - Who is Gen X? Between Boomers & Millennials

This article explores the demographic details of Gen X, describing us as the "middle child" generation. It reflects on how the changing societal norms and economic landscapes of our upbringing have shaped our unique view on work and life today.

Wikipedia - Generation X

The Wikipedia entry on Generation X provides a detailed account of our cultural and technological influences, as well as the socio-political challenges we've faced. It recognises our characteristics like being the "MTV Generation," celebrating our adaptability and resilience in every part of life.

These sources build a strong foundation for understanding the rich experiences and characteristics of our generation. They are both credible and informative, perfect for anyone looking to grasp what it truly means to be part of Generation X.

Gen X Women


Our journey is marked by resilience, adaptability, and a continuous quest for fulfilment. We, Gen X women, responded to the message of "having it all" with ambition and introspection, balancing professional success with personal well-being. As we enter our 50s, we’re redefining what it means to live a purposeful life, embracing new opportunities, and advocating for change. Our strength lies in our ability to adapt, our determination to succeed, and our commitment to personal and community growth. By focusing on what truly matters and seeking balance, we continue to inspire and pave the way for future generations.

What sets us apart as women of this era is our unique blend of grit and grace. We’ve faced societal shifts, economic fluctuations, and personal challenges with resilience and ingenuity. Our ability to juggle multiple roles, continually learn and adapt, and support each other through networks of camaraderie and strength, underscores the unparalleled spirit of Gen X women. We are not just surviving; we are thriving, and in doing so, we are redefining what it means to age with purpose and vitality.